Follow the Gender ABC Project on Facebook (@GenderABC) and on Instagram (@genderabc)! Gender ABC is an EU funded project managed by the End FGM European Network in partnership with four other organisations: Terre Des Femmes (Germany), AIDOS (Italy), Medicos del Mundo (Spain) and APF (Portugal).
The project sets out to change children’s attitudes towards gender stereotypes & norms reinforcing gender-based violence and raising awareness of schools, families and communities to develop a supportive and safe environment for children to learn.
The Educational Modules
The Gender ABC project team developed 18 educational modules and 3 supporting documents: these modules are tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. Discover the educational modules here.

One of the activities of the Gender ABC educational programme is called “Flying to a new land”. Participants learn what their needs and their wants are: they learn to differ what they really need and what they want to have but not necessarily need. They learn to connect human needs and human rights.
On the 27th of April, TERRE DES FEMMES launched an Awareness Week, calling attention to the importance of gender education programmes and support services, particularly during lockdown measures in the course of Covid-19.
For a few years now, thousands of podcasts have been created and became a trend. Wherever you are, podcasts allow you to listen to amazing feminist activists sharing information, thoughts and ideas! Here, you can find our 10 suggestions!
In Portugal, the national pandemic containment programme decreed the closure of schools on the 16th March, consequently Gender ABC school training was suspended.
In Portugal, the topic of FGM is still considered taboo (or non-priority) in many contexts, including the school curriculum. Putting FGM on the governmental and non-governmental agenda is essential to end the practice.
Every person has the right to self-determination. Consequently, any practice in which the outer genitalia are partly or completely removed, as well as any medically unnecessary genital operation, should be strictly opposed. The education programme and EU-project Gender ABC aims to ensure this self-determination, in two different ways.
Since schools were closed and social contacts reduced to a minimum, project coordinators are discussing how activities could look like if the situation continues being the same. Are there any activities that can be carried out online or virtually and that are still able to reach the goals of the project?
“It takes a village to raise a child”, says an African proverb. Even in our western societies, where families are small and parents often raise children pretty much by themselves, the meaning of the proverb is quite clear: an entire community of people should interact with children for them to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment.
On the last project day, participants present their role plays, art works, poems as well as other creative outputs to another class and parents in order to rise the outreach and increase awareness on gender-based violence.
“How come you always use both the masculine and the feminine while speaking to us?”, asks one of the Italian students participating in the Gender ABC project during the first session of the educational programme.