According to UNHCR’s latest available data, in 2013, over 25,000 women and girls sought asylum from FGM-practising countries, which is 62% of all female applicants.
The Network welcomes Malta’s commitment to continue to combat gender-based violence.
A pan-European conference jointly hosted by FORWARD and the End FGM European Nework which will focus on tackling FGM in schools and education settings.
On Tuesday 8 November, the End FGM European Network organised a conference on ‘Gender-related vulnerabilities in the EU asylum procedures: Spotlight on FGM’.
The End FGM European Network would like to comment on the article published in The Economist on Saturday 18th June 2016 entitled ‘Female Genital Mutilation: an agonising choice’.
We are saddened by the news of the death of a 17-year-old girl in Egypt while undergoing FGM at a hospital. Despite legislation banning the practice since 2008, FGM is still prevalent in the country.
The End FGM European Network would like to comment on the paper published on 22nd February 2016 in the Journal of Medical Ethics entitled ‘Female Genital Alteration: a compromise solution’.
Un de notre membre belge, l’asbl INTACT souhaite réagir à un article paru le 23 février 2016, dans Le Soir en ligne, dans la rubrique Sciences et Santé, « Deux gynécologues font polémique en suggérant des excisions «minimalistes».
Due to the current security situation in Brussels, the END FGM European Network has decided to postpone the Knowledge sharing seminar on the best interests of the child and the "Launch party" on the 2nd of December and the General Assembly on 3rd December
Here are the winners of the photo competition 'Building Bridges to end FGM'!