RAP GENDER ABC wins scholarship as good educational practice!
In Portugal, the RAP GENDER ABC was officially recognised as a best practice by EPIS - Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion, on 26 November.
The Gender ABC Project was presented at the EPIS Award Ceremony Webinar (you can check out the video here - 17:50"-23:52").
The school ES Seomara da Costa Primo (AE Amadora Oeste) was awarded a Scholarship to continue working on the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence; and the student Nuno Teixeira (who sang the RAP) was awarded a Scholarship as a reward and to boost his contribution to the educational setting!
This prize is even more special, as RAP GENDER ABC was produced during the lockdown and has managed to involve all the students from 1º TD2 class (school year 2019/2020).