Open letter to the leaders of the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence

Open letter to the leaders of the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence
As members of the Global Platform for Action to end FGM/C, we have signed this open letter with Girls Not Brides to call on the leaders of the Generation Equality Forum Action Coalition on Gender-based Violence to commit to ending the harmful practices of Female Genital Mutilation and Child, Early and Forced marriage (CEFM).
With 10 years remaining to achieve the 2030 Agenda, the Generation Equality Forum provides an opportunity to take stock of progress made on ending Gender-Based Violence and harmful practices and to make a renewed push for accelerated action on the Beijing Platform for Action and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5.3. By standing together to address CEFM and FGM, we can work towards a world where women and girls live free from violence and can achieve their full potential.