Launching the first Interactive Map on FGM Laws, Policies and Data in Europe
Launching the first Interactive Map on FGM Laws, Policies and Data in Europe
On Friday, 28 May 2021, International Day for Women’s Health, End FGM EU launched the FGM in Europe online interactive map in a high-level launch event with European decision-makers.
The event presented the map and its potential as an available and accessible resource on FGM in Europe. It also focused on specific aspects of working to address FGM in Europe. Officials from countries with promising practices shared their knowledge during breakout sessions on “Community engagement and Protection for persons at risk of FGM” and “Funding and data collection on FGM’. You can watch the Facebook Live replay here.
Chiara Cosentino, End FGM EU Head of Policy and Advocacy said “As the European umbrella organisation working on FGM, our expertise and bird's eye view of the European context is highly valued by many stakeholders. Yet, we realised that this insight was only available on demand. This is why we decided to create this resource with our members and share the richness of our collective knowledge with a wider audience.”
We hope that this map will not only serve as a source of information but also as a well of inspiration to do better and continue to improve our work to end FGM and our support of FGM Survivors. We want countries to learn from each other and strive to better their laws, policies, services and data collection efforts. We want to encourage mutual learning and cooperation towards ending FGM for All in Europe and beyond.
The End FGM EU Interactive map is now officially live! You can access it here:

Between 2019 and 2020, End FGM EU conducted, together with its members, a thorough mapping around laws, policies, services and data collection in the 14 European countries where its members operate. Information has been collected systematically and homogenously through a standard questionnaire to ensure comparability among countries and promote improvement and mutual learning at the national level. The questionnaire, developed by the End FGM EU Secretariat, has been inspired by the Sexual Rights Database project. The research has been conducted at the European level by End FGM EU and has been cross-checked and validated by national members at the country level.
The development of this online interactive map and database has been made possible by the support of the European Commission, Rights Equality and Citizenship Programme, Sigrid Rausing Trust and Wallace Global Fund.
If you have any questions about the map, please email
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