The European Coalition to end Violence Against Women and Girls launched its Factsheet on the Istanbul Convention

In view of the European Commission’s proposal that the EU accedes to the Istanbul Convention, the European Coalition to end Violence Against Women and Girls, of which End FGM EU is a member, published a factsheet to call upon:

  • The EU Member States and the Council of the European Union to sign and conclude (ratify) the Istanbul Convention in 2017, and within the broadest scope of EU competence as possible.
  • The European Parliament to adopt a strong resolution consenting to the EU conclusion to the Istanbul Convention.
  • The European Commission to develop a comprehensive EU Strategy to prevent and combat all forms of violence against women that is coordinated and monitored by an EU coordinator body against VAWG.
  • The EU institutions to fully integrate the Istanbul Convention into the EU legislation and policy framework, establishing a relevant and representative EU monitoring framework.
  • The EU Member States to ratify the Istanbul Convention without reservations and to put in place the necessary legislative and policy changes to ensure its adequate implementation of the Istanbul Convention, including allocating sustainable and adequate funding to, and cooperating with civil society and women’s rights organisations.

Read full PDF here.