National FGM Centre Summer Updates
The National FGM Centre, working to achieve a system change in the response to FGM and other harmful practices, has developed a free, and quick introductory e-Learning on FGM, comprising of 6 modules, which includes information, animations, quizzes and real life case studies to test your knowledge:
- Module 1: Introduction to harmful practices - By the end of the module, you will know what harmful practices are, the causations, the historical context and further information about individual harmful practices.
- Module 2: What is FGM? - By the end of the module, you will have an understanding of FGM, the implications, reasons for the practice, and assessing the risk to girls and women.
- Module 3: The impacts of FGM - By the end of the module, you will gain a deeper understanding on harmful practices and trauma, and how to be a trauma-informed practitioner.
- Module 4: The law and FGM - By the end of the module, you will gain a deeper understanding on the legal remedies available to prevent harmful practices and support survivors.
- Module 5: Cultural literacy and FGM - By the end of the module, you will learn how to be a more culturally literate practitioner supporting survivors and victims of FGM.
- Module 6: Final assessment - This module contains the final assessment.
Find this comprehensive & free resource here!
See great examples of how some of the modules look like: