Let's CHANGE conference, closing a two-year project on preventing FGM in Europe

On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, the final conference of the two-year project Let’s CHANGE (co-financed by the European Union) took place. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference was organised online and only implemented live on site in Paris for a small group of people.

The conference was entitled “How to overcome challenges in ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the European Union (and beyond)?” and was simultaneously interpreted in English and French.

The conference closed the Let's CHANGE two year long project within which TERRE DES FEMMES (TDF - Berlin, Germany), Équilibres & Populations (Equipop - Paris, France), Federatie van Somalische Associaties Nederland (FSAN - Amsterdam, Netherlands) and Plan International Deutschland (Plan; Hamburg, Germany) have been working together with End FGM EU to prevent and abandon the practice of Female Genital Mutilation in the European Union and beyond.

This conference included workshops with CHANGE Agents. The workshop topics were:

  • The role of key professionals in ending FGM as well as documentation of FGM cases, prosecution and lack of statistics in Europe;
  • Care and support services and the challenges in providing holistic support for those affected;
  • Community empowerment and how to achieve sustainable change

It was the occasion to share knowledge as well as review the joint work of all partners for the past two years.

Read more on the conference here.