LESSAN - Men Standing Up for Gender Equality - Amplifying Change
Our Member Lessan has launched the European project "Men Standing Up for Gender Equality - Amplifying Change" (MFGE - AC) running from 2022 to 2024.
LESSAN is coordinating the project, which is co-funded by the European Commission, for the next two years: from 1th March 2022 until 29th February 2024. MFGE-AC is carried out together with the partners' Femme Entraide et Autonomie from France and Stichting Himiko from the Netherlands.
The previous project “Men Standing Up for Gender Equality” (MFGE) aimed to train male community members as Change Mediators on gender-based violence issues (GBV) as well as FGM/C and forced-/early marriage in order to achieve behavioural and normative change.
The follow-up project MFGE-AC will stick to the same goals but will also train the previous Change Mediators to Change Champions. In addition, employees of various health institutions, as well as social pedagogues and doctors, are also trained so that they can better advise on FGM/C cases. Furthermore, counselling for girls and women at risk is offered by all project partners.
On the 21st and 22nd of March 2022, a kick-off meeting was held in Hamburg. All partners came together and discussed the deliverables and what measures need to be taken for the successful implementation of the project.