LESSAN: 'Men Standing-up for Gender Equality - Amplifying Change' Project
The EU funded project "Men Standing-up for Gender Equality - Amplifying Change" has developed very successfully.

Change mediators and change champions have been selected nationwide in Germany by LESSAN, in France by Femmes Entraide et Autonomie and in Holland by Stichting HIMILO. Mosques and churches are working against gender-based violence and especially against FGM/C and a total of 36 influential change mediators and change champions have participated in trainings and started to activate their communities and carry out the first behaviour change activities.

At the same time, socio-educational counselling plays an essential role in accompanying affected communities, families, women and girls. The three partner organisations in Hamburg, Paris and Amsterdam offer counselling on gender-based violence and FGM/C in particular, which is gladly taken up by those affected. The victims are given emotional support and guidance on how to proceed, for example, in terms of asylum law or health care, they are referred to contact points and educated by means of vulva sculptures.

Experts who work with the victims, such as gynaecologists, psychologists, midwives, police officers, educators and many more, are also trained and sensitised to the issues.