Latest news on Gender ABC

Since the beginning of the implementation of the project in 2019, more than 300 children have been participating to the activities of our important project Gender ABC across Europe.

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Gender-based violence is more common than we think. Exploring this topic and ensuring that the next generation of EU-citizen will participate in ending violence towards women and girls is the core of our project.

At End FGM EU we believe in sharing information and to make accessible reports, document, and more importantly all the modules that the partners of the project developed on the topic of Gender-Based violence. The modules are now available on free download on our website and we invite you to use and share them.

It is important that gender equality education and education on gender-based violence become studied topic in all schools in Europe. Not only we will always advocate to involve youth in our work against FGM, but we will also concentrate our efforts for the information to be accessible for schools, communities and families, children and local and national authorities.

The partners of the project are currently finalising the implementation of the activities in schools and getting ready for our closing event in May in Brussels! 80 kids from the 4 European countries will come together and share the learning achievements of the project!

Stay tuned, more information will come!