Knowledge-Sharing online event
On November 19th, End FGM EU organised its online Knowledge Sharing Event.
The aim of the event was to create a space for Members, Ambassador and the Secretariat to share their skills, showcase their work and learn from one another through self-organised training sessions and by external experts.
The first morning sessions consisted in:
1. “Accessing Erasmus + grant: presentation of the European Solidarity Corps programme and Quality Label” presented by Mereb Habte, End FGM EU’s current ESC Volunteer. The training aimed at introducing the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme, the different Quality Labels and how End FGM EU’s Members could access them to apply to ESC projects.

2. “Communities as key actors to raising awareness against FGM” presented by Isma Benboulerbah, End FGM EU’s Coordinator of Programmes. The training provided an overview on how to ensure effective, meaningful and sustainable community engagement while avoiding tokenism and promoting an intersectional approach to community engagement.
The second slot of morning sessions included:
1. “Deconstructing preconceived ideas and stereotypes to better understand female genital mutilation” by GAMS Belgique and Stratégies Concertées de lutte contre les Mutilations Génitales Féminines (SC-MGF). In the training there were discussions around the common preconceived ideas and stereotypes around FGM and they introduced the second version of the Guide "Mutilations sexuelles - Déconstruire les idées reçues" (2021).
2. “The CHAIN project: Linking the prevention of female genital mutilation (FGM) and early and forced marriage (EFM) in Europe” by TERRE DES FEMMES. In this session our member TDF introduced the CHAIN project, the Consortium and the campaign. They also showcased the recently launched videos.
In the afternoon, we were joined by Lydia Mutyebele Ngoi, Deputy Mayor for Equal Opportunities of the City of Brussels for the launch of the Network’s new video “MultiSurvivor Women” co-funded by the City of Brussels and launched on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Deputy Major Ngoi delivered a thank you speech, reminding everyone of the importance of promoting gender equality and fighting FGM and other forms of GBV globally. The Deputy Major stressed the importance of using all available tools and means to spread awareness and effectively reach and support Survivors. You can check out the live here.

Deputy Mayor Ngoi’s speech was followed by the presentation “Campaigning to #EndFGM4All” by Myriam Mhamedi, End FGM EU’s Communication Officer, who introduced the Network’s 2021 campaign on FGM and Intersectionality and launched live the new video “MultiSurvivor Women” created in occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
The event concluded with a “Feminist Fundraising Workshop” by Feminist Fundraiser expert Cassie Denbow. The participants discussed on the culture of money, resource mobilisation and the guiding values and mechanisms of Feminist Fundraising. The workshop was organised as part of the Network’s Capacity Building Programme, and from the wish to provide our members with the opportunity to strengthen their fundraising knowledge and skills.