Host the Network 2024 Knowledge Sharing Event!

The Knowledge Sharing Event (KSE) aims to foster the transfer of knowledge and good practices in other members’ contexts and increase their promotion at the regional level. We are accepting applications from our Members to host this event in their country!
This is an opportunity to apply for funding.
As you know, one of the Network's main aims is to foster knowledge exchange to build a collective force to end FGM – and YOU, our Members, have a wealth of knowledge and expertise and carry out amazing work every single day. Following the success of 2023, this year we once again give YOU the opportunity to organise the Knowledge Sharing Event in your county, inviting the Network to join and share good practices and learn from one another.
But how would it work?
Through our Operating Grant (from the EU) we have the unique opportunity to create a small regranting scheme where you can apply for funds to host such an event. And staff costs can be covered too!
What is the available budget?
The maximum available budget to organise the event is €43’000
By applying to organise the event you would have ownership of the content and would be able to shape the event entirely according to your needs and what you want to discuss with other Network members.
When does it need to happen?
The Knowledge Sharing Event needs to take place in before the end of 2024.
Are there conditions?
Yes, outlined below you will find the main eligibility criteria, the frequently asked questions and when the call will be out.
The main eligibility conditions:
- Only member organisations of the Network within the EU can apply for this funding opportunity.
- Proposals include realistic plans and budgets matching applicant capacity.
- Sufficient human resources to carry out the organisation of the event.
- Financial management capacities and/or willingness to learn.
- The event takes place in the applicant's country.
What are the main objectives of the KSE?
The KSE aims to answer our Members’ wish for End FGM EU to create spaces allowing knowledge-sharing among membership, key stakeholders and affected communities. In specific, this year the KSE will focus on good practices happening at national level and promote the transferability of these practices across Europe. Our objectives are:
- Increasing the sense of belonging to the membership through the ownership of the organisation of the KSE.
- Strengthen End FGM EU’s role as the European expert knowledge and resources repository and exchange platform around FGM.
- Strengthen the capacity, outreach, and sustainability of End FGM EU and its Members.
- Increase knowledge and expertise on a specific topic, as well as collective peer learning and capacity building relating to this.
- Best practices from other countries brought back to national context.
The KSE also aims to bring:
- 39 representatives of Members organisation of the Network to participate in the event (non-EU members can take part as participants in the event).
- 3 Senior/Youth Ambassadors participate in the event.
- Network Board & Secretariat Members
- Meaningful representation and/or participation of FGM-affected communities in the KSE.
- Participation of national stakeholders, CSOs and key stakeholders in the fight against FGM.
What will the KSE focus on in 2024?
The KSE will give Members and Ambassadors a space to meet and exchange on their work around FGM and GBV. It will strengthen the European movement against FGM and increase the transnational transfer of knowledge and best practices to end FGM. The focus of 2024’s edition is on framing FGM as a form of Violence Against Women, in line with our 2024 Campaign #FGMIsPatriarchy, which is centered around the Violence Against Women (VAW) Directive and the Harmful Practices recommendation, aiming at highlighting how it symbolically impacts all women beyond those affected directly. The year 2024 also marks the 10th anniversary of End FGM EU, making the KSE a meaningful moment to showcase the work done by the End FGM European movement until now, on sharing good practices and learning from impactful initiatives to end FGM.
What is financial support to third parties?
En FGM EU’s can dedicate the work package related the organisation of the KSE in its Operating Grant (within the CERV programme) as financial support to third parties, creating a sub-granting scheme to one of its Members. Through the CERV programme, the European Commission aims to increase access to EC funding for CSOs and smaller organisations in the EU. More information on this can be found at page 15 here.
What is eligible for funding?
As part of our Operating Grant, End FGM EU has already submitted a budget proposal to the European Commission (our co-funder) on the KSE. the eligible costs are:
- Staff costs
- Travel and subsistence costs for 39 Members, 3 Senior/Youth Ambassadors and Network Board members
- Venue rental
- Subsistence costs related to the KSE
- Interpretation
What are the reporting rules?
- The successful applicant will need to follow EU financial rules
- A narrative report will need to be submitted at the end
- A detailed financial report with supporting documents will need to be submitted at the end
Are you interested in organising and hosting our next Knowledge Sharing event?
Please fill in this form and send it via email to by 4th of June 2024 EOB with the subject line "Application: KSE".