GAMS Belgium Summer Updates

GAMS Belgium launched a national awareness campaign to prevent female genital mutilation during summer holidays on may 23rd. The organisation welcomed Halimata Fofana, an inspirational author who has just published her second novel “À l’ombre de la cite Rimbaud”. 

In the book, she talks about FGM, forced marriages, but also how school, books and music helped her find her way.

Between 23rd and 26th may, GAMS BE and their campaign patron, Halimata Fofana, met the general public, professionals from the care and education sectors, families affected by FGM and a group of children in a school in Belgium.

During those few days, the organisation also gathered people at different events such as literary encounters in Ghent and Brussels, and hosted film projections followed by an open-floor debate in Brussels and Liège, welcoming the audience's questions.

An awareness raising film was also made for the campaign. Trigger warning: emotional impact, distress and mentions of violence, where an FGM Survivor shares her experience.

GAMS BE have also organised webinars (in French and Dutch) about “How to use the detectometer”, a very useful tool to equip professionnals with a referral protocol and determine which actions should be taken to protect girls. You can find the Detectometer Guide in French and in Dutch.