AIDOS - keeping busy in the first half of 2022
AIDOS has been very active these past few months! Here is an update of their actions and contributions:
AIDOS contributed to the organisation of the online consultation on “How to improve financing of the anti-FGM sector in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic?” that was organised by End FGM EU on the 16th of March. On the 30th of March, AIDOS presented the resulting findings, challenges and opportunities during the “Online Dialogue with Civil Society Organizations on Innovative Financing to achieve the elimination of FGM” in the framework of the Donor Working Group on FGM meeting.
On the same day, AIDOS launched the Italian version of the annual Report on the State of World Population 2022 of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), “Seeing the Unseen. The case for action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy”, through a press conference.

AIDOS provided inputs for the Submission to the UN Secretary General Progress Report on FGM/C prepared by the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C, highlighting the importance of working on gender norms change and gender transformative approaches.
On the 31st of May, AIDOS participated to the UNFPA Geneva meeting with the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso and INGOs to discuss the content and process for the UN resolution on ending FGM which is focusing on cross-border/transnational protection to prevent and end FGM.
During the first half of 2022, AIDOS organised numerous activities and training addressed to teachers, educators, university students and local authorities in the framework of the project “Mind the Gap”, aiming at reducing the influence of gender expectations on girls’ and boys’ choices in education, work and life and prevent all forms of gender-based violence.