A productive start of the year for the Finnish League for Human Rights

The Finnish League for Human Rights is busy gathering information on the fulfilment by healthcare professionals of their responsibility to bring up FGM with patients. They are also organising training on FGM for volunteers and collaborators.

The Finnish League for Human Rights is presently collecting information about the fulfilment of authorities and professionals’ duty to bring up FGM with their clients. They do so by asking women from FGM-affected communities, who have recently given birth in Finland, whether professionals have inquired about their FGM-status as well as about their intention to expose their daughter to FGM.

They are also training their voluntaries and other active members of FGM-affected communities about FGM. The training consists of four half-day sessions. The first session took place in March. The initiative to organise the training came from voluntaries themselves. Meanwhile, participants said that they wanted to attend the training to have more comprehensive, factual information about FGM in order to increase fact-based awareness in their communities.