The new FGM clinic is welcome but GPs must help as well
As the NHS turns 70 this year its patients and services have changed with the times. Just two weeks ago I was holding my best mate’s hand as she had her deinfibulation a stone’s throw away from King’s Road. With close to 140,000 women and girls living in the UK with FGM and with many of us being British taxpayers it’s great to finally see services catering to our needs.
I welcome the news of the first walk-in clinic for FGM survivors. But I have found recently that getting treatment for complications resulting from FGM if you are not pregnant is close to impossible. GPs are not aware of the issue or of the pathways set up by the Department of Health. This new clinic will be a literal life-saver for many, but we must also not look to it as the answer. FGM is a complex issue and women in need of treatment should be able to get the support and follow up care from their GP. We also have to ensure that data is recorded and shared and that anyone with children is followed up.
Read full article here.