Plan International Deutschland e.v.

Plan International Deutschland e.v. (Plan International in Germany) works towards ending FGM in Germany and beyond through projects, training of professionals and awareness-raising.
They were part of the Let's Change project: A two-year project that ended in 2020. The project "Let's Change" addressed affected communities in Europe. They regularly provide training for professionals working with girls in Germany on FGM/C on how to protect children and appropriately support Survivors. Plan International Germany is a strong, active and valued membered of other networks in Germany such as the Hamburg roundtable to end FGM as well as INTEGRA, which is a network of organisations in Germany working against FGM/C in Germany and beyond.
Plan International Germany also works towards the end of FGM/C Internationally. In the last 3 years, we have completed projects working with CBOs in Mali, Egypt, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali and Sierra Leone.