ActionAid Italy

ActionAid Italy is a member of the ActionAid international federation working with over 15 million people in about 70 countries world-wide to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. Its work falls under three main areas:

  • Rights: to empower individuals and groups – especially marginalised and vulnerable ones – to demand their States and international institutions to respect, protect and promote human rights and ensure social justice.
  • Redistribution: to build more inclusive and fairer European and global systems by addressing national poverty and social marginalisation so to redistribute economic and social power, also through programmes led by communities and individuals;
  • Resilience: to empower individuals and groups to react, address, and learn from current and future challenges through active participation and improved dialogue between citizens, private actors, and institutions.

A particular focus on women’s rights runs through all ActionAid’s interventions, which also support civic engagement and public accountability.

ActionAid has been working on the prevention and contrast to the harmful practices of Female Genital Mutilation and Early and Forced Marriage since 2016, thanks to the co-funding from the EU. The work focuses on three levels: community, local services, national and European advocacy.