End FGM EU's Child Safeguarding Policy (2024)
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In 2017, the End FGM European Network initiated activities in direct contact with children and young people with the long-term perspective of establishing an End FGM EU Youth Group, actively involved in the Network’s work to end FGM in Europe.
The End FGM European Network and its member organisations acknowledge considerations on the vulnerability and safeguarding of children and are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all necessary steps and actions are taken at all levels within the Network, to safeguard the well-being, health and dignity of children participating to projects, activities and programs of the organisation.
This Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) outlines End FGM EU's and its Members’ commitment to protect children from harm and the responsibilities and procedures for all the actors linked to the Network who will have a direct contact with children in the context of the actions implemented by the Network and its Members. The policy was developed taking into account international and European child protection policies .