End FGM EU’s Knowledge-Sharing Event 2023 Recap

On November 17th End FGM EU held its annual Knowledge-sharing event (KSE) in Madrid, Spain.

Legal name of 

the third party

Medicos del Mundo Espana (MdM)

Country of the third party establishment


title of the project

Best Practices and Challenges in fighting female genital Mutilation

Budget received from the framework partner

43,330.00 €

Project duration

3rd July 2023 – 31st December 2023

Target group reached

End FGM EU's Members, End FGM EU's Ambassadors, End FGM EU's staff, national representatives from FGM-effected communities, national key stakeholders and CSOs, representative from the Ministry of Equality, media

Summary of the project

In line with End FGM EU's 2023 Campaign, Medicos del Mundo organised the annual Knowsledge-sharing event, which managed to bring together the Spanish national and European stakeholders to highlight, share, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and good practices to end FGM.
The event saw the participation of different stakeholders: End FGM EU's Members, End FGM EU's Ambassadors, End FGM EU's staff, national representatives from FGM-effected communities, national key stakeholders and CSOs, representatives from the Ministry of Equality, and the media.
The event saw 6 panel discussions: 'Catalysing Collective Action for the European anti-FGM Movement', 'Best Practises in Fighting FGM in other European Countries', 'Cultural Mediation: Models and Best Practices', 'Tackling FGM in Europe: the Key Role of Affected Communities', 'Male and Youth Engagement in ending FGM', Addressing the Sexuality of FGM Victims/Survivors: Challenges'.

For the first time, through our Operating Grant from the European Commission, we had the unique opportunity to create a small regranting scheme, allowing interested Members to apply to take charge of the organisation and hosting of the event.

This year, Medicos del Mundo Spain was selected and has successfully organised and hosted the event in Madrid, bringing together different stakeholders: our Membership, Senior and Youth Ambassadors, End FGM EU’s Secretariat staff, representatives from the Spanish Government and affected communities residing in Spain and the media.

The KSE aims to answer our Members’ wish for the creation of spaces allowing knowledge-sharing among the membership, key stakeholders and affected communities. Specifically, this year the KSE will focus on good practices happening at national level and promote the transferability of these practices across Europe, in line with our annual Campaign #Road2EndFGM.

We are thrilled to announce that the event was a tremendous success! We are hopeful that the knowledge shared will help bring us closer to putting an end to FGM in Europe.

Press coverage:

The event was well received by the Spanish media, with 14 news articles talking about the event and Female genital Mutilation being published. Below is a list of all news pieces:

1. Médicos del Mundo organiza en Madrid una jornada europea contra la mutilación genital femenina | Líder en Información Social | Servimedia @SERVIMEDIA - 17/11/2023

2. Medio centenar de activistas europeas se reúnen en Madrid para luchar contra la mutilación genital femenina (diariosigloxxi.com) @SIGLO XXI - 17/11/2023

3. Medio centenar de activistas europeas se reúnen en Madrid para luchar contra la mutilación genital femenina (europapress.es) @EUROPA PRESS - 17/11/2023

4. Un grupo de cincuenta activistas europeas se congregan en Madrid para combatir la mutilación genital femenina | NoticiasDe.es @NOTICIASDE.ES - 17/11/2023

5. Medio centenar de activistas europeas se reúnen en Madrid para luchar contra la mutila... (teleprensa.com) @TELEPRENSA.ES - 17/11/2023

6. Activistas europeas en Madrid unen fuerzas contra la mutilación (fuentesinformadas.com) @FUENTESINFORMADAS.COM - 18/11/2023

7. Médicos del Mundo está organizando una jornada europea en Madrid contra la mutilación genital femenina @NOTICIASDE.ES - 18/11/2023

8. Amal Hussein: “Acabar con la mutilación genital no debería ser tarea de las supervivientes” @ ELOBRERO.ES - 19/11/2023

9. Amal Hussein: Acabar con la mutilación genital no debería ser tarea de las supervivientes @Infobae.com - 19/11/2023

10. Amal Hussein: Acabar con la mutilación genital no debería ser tarea de las supervivientes @LA VANGUARDIA - 19/11/2023

11. «Acabar con la mutilación genital no debería ser tarea de las supervivientes» @Canarias 7 - 21/11/2023

12. Amal Hussein: Acabar con la mutilación genital no debería ser tarea de las supervivientes @EFEMINISTA.COM - 22/11/2023

13. Retos en la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina Retos en la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina Retos en la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina @RTVE.ES - 22/11/2023

14. Revertir la situación de niños y niñas con la educación Revertir la situación de niños y niñas con la educación Revertir la situación de niños y niñas con la educación @RTVE.ES - 26/11/2023