PICUM - Strategies to End Double Violence Against Undocumented Women: Protecting Rights and Ensuring Justice (2012)

This report on Strategies to End Double Violence Against Undocumented Women by PICUM offers an overview of the methods that address gender-based discrimination and violence against undocumented women. It is intended to support activists and advocates working to defend the rights of, and ensure the protection to women facing violence in Europe.

Contained in this report is information on existing support in Europe, how they came about, and methods that can be used to empower undocumented women to advocate for improvements. At the policy level, this report illustrates how the prevention, protection, and prosecution of gender-based violence can be strengthened by the inclusion of undocumented women. Key legislative, financial, and practical measures from across Europe are detailed so they can be supported and replicated.

The research reveals areas in which action is lacking: engagement with international and regional monitoring and reporting mechanisms to guarantee undocumented women’s rights; absence of initiatives involving documented and undocumented men to build gender equality and a mutual understanding in order to end violence against women.